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Test - stolen by Momickey
psp backgrounds
new dresses
Puris ♥
Geschafft *_*
♥ Welcome to my blog ♥
Dienstag, 30. März 2010Y
Je m'appelle Lolita

...at the moment.. I'm really into that..Sweet Lolita stuff ♥ T///T
Next week I'll travel to Paris.. and visit the Baby the stars shine bright shop ^o^
I hope there'll be something cheap for me ._.
i wish I could purchase a cute dress.... oh man. i really want to dress in lolita style .o.
i dream for that since years ^^"
...i photoshoped with cute brushes a loli pic :3 plz click on it for bigger size!

ends at 17:28

Samstag, 27. März 2010Y
Oh! my Lady - korean drama

I've found a picture of a korean drama soundtrack.. and thought:
oh my gosh isn't that Siwon from Super Junior? *__*
and YES it is!

I have no idea when this drama is airing... but it looks cute!
and I'll definitely download it ^o^

siwon looks super hot *O*
he's my fav. SuJu member ^^
click for fullsize!

ends at 11:57

Freitag, 26. März 2010Y
thunderstorm deluxe

3 hours ago I was in the city and enjoyed the sun.. (and bought 4 tshirts for my bf =D)
...and now.. it's like the end of the world!
the sky is totally dark... (it's only 4:30pm) ...and the storm & rain is craazzyyy °°~

..but actually i like thunders & storm :3 but not when I'm still at work and have to drive home on my BIKE in 1 1/2 hour!! ><>< ..gosh really scary o_o

views out of the windows at my work
i straighted my hair sooo prettily this morning..
but now it's a huge mess XD"

ends at 16:56

everything is fine

yesterday I talked to my boyfriend.
he was reeeaaally damn angry .__. ..because of the party ngiht.

but now everything is fine again! I'm so glad about that ♥
...he's really the kindest boy on earth .o. *love*

ends at 11:36

Donnerstag, 25. März 2010Y

well...actually the night was a disaster...
why does parties always end in chaos?
my hubby didn't go with me to the club..he was drunken and fell asleep.
so i had to go alone... but i met a friend there so it was ok.
problem was that she and her friends got to know some guys so they didn't had much time for me.
so that i had to dance alone and stuff..

i just drank waaaaaaaaayyy toooo muuuuuuuuuuch.......
i only remember dancing... ..and then 10 o'clock in the morning, getting ready for work.
(work starts at 9:30 ...but i arrived there at 10:30 T__T thanks god that my boss is in holiday)
...driving with my bike to work was a real adventure and dangerous... cause I was still totally drunken.
well funny thing is that i slept in our studio..until now. Laura is really kind that she cares about me and let me sleep... now i'm not that drunken anymore i just feel super super sick.
maybe i should vomit at home.

...binh told me this morning that he wants to talk to me this evening. i really hope he will not break up with me ;_; ...

ends at 17:10

Mittwoch, 24. März 2010Y
BIG BANG - lollipop 2

wow i LOVE the NEW lollipop song :D

ends at 23:09

music on my blog

..I've edited my blog today a lot :3
i really love it now! *__* .....I've also got a music player ♥
cool!! listen to my music and tell me how u like it ^__^

tonight I'll go partying with my hubby at the local disco "Alpenmax" ^^
i really really hope this night will be fun... and not a huge disaster

ends at 21:56

First entry

Hey guys!
so this is my first entry in my new blog ^-^
Well actually I'm a livejournal blogger :D ...but some of my friends are on blogspot.. so I'm just doing the same ^^"

so... how do you like my layout?
I think it's super cute.. but I'm still changing some stuff here and there :3

ends at 11:33
